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Monday, December 24, 2007


Drinking eggnog is a tradition that forms a basic part of the Christmas festivities. On Eggnog Day, tell your friends/ family/ beloved/ near ones to drink eggnog and enjoy the spirit of merrymaking .

Eggnog Day Is On 24 th December

The other day, Jennifer and I were discussing the merits of adding rum to eggnog . I am definitely game for it. Steve walked in and told us about his experience with egg nog. When he was a kid, he owned a Dalmatian called Dudley. Dudley lived outside in his dog house, but when the cold winter came, the dog would stay in his house up in Steve's room.

He said, "One year, my parents decided to have a Christmas party. My mother made her Egg Nog Punch and was making a huge bowl for the party. She put me on deviled egg prep, while she measured out the rum and brandy to be added to the mixture."

'This egg nog is just for the grownups, you hear?' she said to me, 'I'll save some plain egg nog for you and your brothers in the refrigerator.' Now, I love a good cup of homemade egg nog and I was planning on drinking most of it before my brothers even found out it was there," Steve said.

"Once it was ready, she went to get ready for the party. I put the big punch bowl on the buffet table with the rest of the food, then I went for the egg nog in the refrigerator, saved just for us." Just like Steve to focus on the important things, I thought. "Next thing I heard was a scream from the dining room. My mother was yelling and cursing at someone. Then I saw Dudley running at me from that direction, his whole face covered in egg nog!" laughed Steve.

"'That dog just drank a whole punch bowl of egg nog!' Mom cried. She wasn't that upset about the egg nog as she was about the rum and brandy that had been in it. It was clear that Dudley was in distress. A human only has two legs to coordinate – Dudley had four and they just weren't working together. After two desperate attempts to walk, he simply fell down clocking his head on the floor," said Steve.

"Oh,no!" cried Jennifer , "What did you do?" Steve replied, "Well, the party was in full swing by now, and our town vet had arrived. He popped his head in to see Dudley."

"The vet said 'I heard about Dudley's little escapade. How is he?' I pointed to him. The vet checked his vitals and said, 'Good thing, your mom doesn't have a heavy hand with the liquor. Dudley will be fine – he's going to sleep it off just fine.' Next time you make egg nog," Steve said, "Save a cup or two for me, and be sure to safe guard it from Kong!"


Blogger pg said...

hi your blog is very nicely

December 24, 2007 at 11:30 PM


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